Paper Crusher Machine

Paper Crusher Machine Paper shredder or also commonly referred to as a paper shredder is a machine for the benefit office . This machine is very useful and has a very important function even though the function of this machine glance seem trivial . Importance Function shredder This type of machine has the function to be the main suggestion destruction of important documents are printed on paper , especially if the document is a confidential document . By using this machine , no need to destroy classified documents that are important to burn . Simply by preparing this machine and all confidentiality in the documents are destroyed along with the bits of paper on which the document is destroyed . Practical and easy to use and functions are considered very important to make this shredder is needed in the office . Choosing a Good Paper Crusher Machine It's important to be able to choose a paper shredder that not only have good quality , but also according to the needs . There are so many choices and come from a variety of trademark for special machinery shredder . Get to know some of the criteria in choosing the best ones to use . Consider the number of users . It becomes important that the shredder can be used and work as needed. Basically , there are three main categories in this type of engine that is calculated from the number of users that is personal or individual machines , small offices and large offices . Consider the piece of paper produced . Although relatively trivial issue , but the results are used pieces of machinery will be greatly influenced by the main purpose uses a special machine to destroy this paper . There are three pieces of paper results , stripcut or ptongan elongated , which is a cross cut such small pieces of toothpicks and also there is a cut -and micro fine pieces that are thinner than a toothpick . If the shredder is used to destroy confidential documents , cross- cut pieces good enough to use . Consider the variety of materials that want to destroy. While this is a machine to destroy the paper , but there are several types of machines that can also be used to destroy a variety of other materials such as staples , identity cards , credit cards , CDs or paper clips too . It is advisable to choose a paper shredder is capable of being able to destroy almost the whole range of materials . Consider the size of the paper that will be destroyed . Every machine that is used to destroy paper is designed for a specific size . An example is a paper shredder used only for A4 paper . If a company uses a larger paper size , then a machine with A4 paper size will not be useful . So look for a machine that matches the size of paper that is often used . Consider a minimal amount of paper that can be destroyed . It is important to prevent problems such as paper jams and of course also determine how fast a paper shredder meghancurkan stack of papers that need to be destroyed . Minimal amount of paper that can be destroyed in one machine use diverse and depend on the various types of existing engines and unumnya about 5 to 10 sheets . It is advisable to choose a minimal amount greater than required even if the price is more expensive . Consider the price . It is clearly important in choosing a paper shredder . There are many different types of brands are also special machine to destroy the existing paper and all have different prices . The price ranging from hundreds of thousands to reach millions of dollars . Consult the vending machine so that the machine can have the best ability . Consider the warranty. Paper shredder includes a machine that can continue to be used in a long time . But sometimes arise various kinds of problems that must be addressed immediately . Warranty will ensure improvement in certain conditions and also ensure the authenticity of the purchased machine . By thinking good things mentioned above , choose a machine that actually correspond to the conditions and needs of its users . If the machine is used by the office that need to destroy heaps of documents , it does not hurt to look for a heavy duty paper shredder is designed for destroying several stacks of paper at once . Of course also the thinking of the price that must be paid to the seller of the machine . Caring for shredder Machine is a mechanism that should be treated properly in order to be used in a longer period of time and can also do a good job . The mandatory periodic maintenance to be done by those who use machines to destroy the paper . If the machine is often used , it is necessary to machine , more often treated properly in order to maintain the performance of the existing engine mechanism . Here are some things that need to be considered in the paper shredder and caring for these measures is not hard to do . 1 . Be sure to always keep the engine surface . Fairly easy to clean and easy to use perlaatan reach such a washcloth with a smooth surface or tissue . Do not use water because it will cause rust on the shredder . It is also important to note is a machine to destroy laid paper . This machine should be placed in a dry room . 2 . Per section at the ends of the blades in the machine should be lubricated periodically . In this respect , there is an underlying reason for the provision of regular lubrication . The reason is that the shredder especially in parts per will not easily corroded . And to prevent rust on a machine of this type would certainly make the machine to avoid congestion caused by rust . 3 . Always make time to check for knives available on the machine . Sharp objects such as knives are used in machines to destroy paper is doomed to a moment where the blade will become blunt and no longer able to cut the paper to the optimum . In the attempt to overcome the problem of blunting the knife in the shredder , it is advisable to check the blades periodically and if blunt , as was sharpening scissors asahlah . 4 . Note how the use of the machine . Some paper shredder can not be used to destroy certain staples and a variety of materials , it should never insert objects that can not be destroyed because the engine will be able to spoil quickly . When using this type of machine , paying special attention to the maximum amount of paper that can be destroyed at the same time . Advised not to enter the maximum amount because the results are often not good for the machine becomes jammed because pieces of paper jam . By Lewis in Lewis saputra View other posts saputra sugianto : internet marketing strategies . 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