Overcoming bad breath

Overcoming bad breath - Mesin penghancur -  The parts of the mouth, as we know , no lips , tongue , gums , teeth and his friends Paper Crusher Machine Among the four earlier , the most influential of the bad breath is Gigi . Well , we just discussed Dentistry .
Ituu teeth , is essential in keep it clean . White teeth will make a person look more beautiful and handsome smile . There are two most important causes why our mouths can smell bad .
The first : because of dental cavities
And the second : because of the tartar .
Actually , perforated teeth do not make bad breath . However , it is easily perforated teeth once in hinggapi by germs that certainly smells. It is not enough by brushing the teeth alone . Tartar , white , attached to the tooth surface . Usually on the outskirts of the molars and difficult to clean.
Well , this is what causes the odor alami.
Something black that is actually causing unpleasant mouth odor . To that end , keep our mouths , especially our teeth to prevent cavities appear much less tartar . Dental cleanings every six months to the dentist . that also maintained a healthy tooth .
Accompanied by rinsing using mouthwash is best also . The goal is to gradually erode tartar and bacteria in cavities.
Cleaning is not optimal it leaves germs are ' happy ' attached to the tooth surface . Germs gradually biting teeth causing cavities . There is also a term dental fillings , teeth actually in patches had no effect , it actually makes it uncomfortable ( according to personal experience , hehe ) . Karang gigi It is important to care for your teeth . For those whose teeth are sensitive , it is recommended to use toothpaste for sensitive teeth . As for ordinary teeth , use toothpaste that berflouride regularly accompanied by rinsing using mouthwash .
It can also serve to erode little by little tartar or dental cavities . Eventually , by this mouthwash , tartar and cavities will be reduced . Thus, over her germs will also be reduced . As much as possible , before the tartar and cavities are formed , the teeth rawatah serajin possible , because the hadith was mentioned in order to clean the teeth before prayer ( at that time using Siwak .